Movie Ticket Booking App

Project created at Jul 4, 2020

A basic app to book movies ticket build using flutter & firebase

🤑 Getting Started

Step 1: Clone the project

First clone this repository using git

git clone <repository-url>

Step 2: Connect to your firebase app

Then you need to change the firebase urls in lib/providers/*.dart for example in movies_provider.dart


Also in lib/providers/auth_provider.dart you need to change the firebase api key to your own key

Step 3: Setup Realtime database

Import dev_assets/cinema-ticket-bookings-export.json to your firebase realtime database.

Step 4: Enable email-password authentication

Under Authentication > Sign-in method enable enable email-password authentication.

Step 5: You are good to go!

Now run the project using:

cd <project-dir>
flutter run

You will see the running app 🤩

📸 Screenshots





🤝 Contributing

You need to folk this project first and work on this locally. After your done with:

git checkout -b my-fix
# fix some code...

git commit -m "fix: corrected a typo"
git push origin my-fix

Lastly, open a pull request on Github.